Sunday, November 30, 2008

Philosphy of Clothes

The finest clothing made is a person’s skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this.
~Mark Twain

As always, when met with a problem, turn to Mr Twain for some sensible advice (the kind I like anyway).

The way I see it, clothes aren’t that big a deal.
Which is not to say that I don’t spend at least half an hour getting ready like most other women I know,
but rather that I think skin does a fine job of doing what some people think clothes ought to do (protection, regulation and all that crap).
And since I have no religious qualms about showing skin, my yardstick for modesty is set quite low down (quite literally). This does NOT mean that I wear the clothes that suggest or to show off (really, my legs are like a guy magnet anyway, do you
really think I haven’t noticed? ;)

My philosophy in the midst of all this clutter remains. So long as it ain’t hurting anyone and you’ve got the confidence to do what you want, right on!

And when
that’s all said and done, I’m almost always pretty darn covered up, I
almost never wear tight clothes and low cut tops

I don’t see how an article of clothing can be indecent. A person, yes.
~Robert A. Heinlein


A couple of days ago, a friend who doesn’t know me very well, yet whom I consider an honour to call a friend regardless, asked me how I was doing.

“Getting along I suppose,” was my answer.

To which he replied, “The Annie I know doesn’t just get along. She makes things work and has a hell of a time doing it.”

Again, I reiterate that this person and I really aren’t all that close but more than an observation on his part, it served as a reminder for me.

Five minutes later, another phone call came through from another friend, this time asking me to be ready for a movie across town starting in 5 minutes. It was a quarter to midnight, and I was half asleep but the timing couldn’t have been any better. I think that sometimes, people show up just when you need them to and tell you just what you need to hear and realize no matter how you much you think you know and how little you think it would matter.

The movie, Twilight, was fantastic although the book was of course better. What made the difference were the two conversations that came after from two people I might not see in a very long while. For now that verbal intercourse might have come as close as possible to the Prozac (minus the bloating) I so yearned for a while ago.

I may not know the answers yet, but somehow, I’ve been convinced that I just might some day. It may not be that thought that keeps me going, but the optimism that other people have in the same pursuit and the conviction of the same ideals that will. There may not be inherent goodness in every one, but it is there in some.

Knowing that, and living up to it will keep me sane, alive and maybe even happy for now. At least till I start pms-ing anyway and my sanity comes into question and that inexplicable pain becomes unbearable again. Those bloody hormones will have to take the brunt for that.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Butterfly Catching

  • Drifting

Why do people drift? Simple- people change. Then they move on. Or the reason could be that they never really got along in the first place but circumstance or an inexplicable disability to be honest got in the way.

  • Boobs

Still dont get this. What is it about mounds of fat that create such havoc to me

  • Hair

I have lot's of hair on my head and I simply love them. No touching please or I will bite.

  • Age

But an illusion. Hold a fascination for numbers and how abstract they are. Two sides of a coin though. Defining ourselves through digits really doesnt make any sense.

  • Tempers

I have a vile temper. Yep, confession time to meself. But logic wins this battle. I think i have it under check..cept when i’m pmsing..who doesnt get annoyed though hmm? I’m all for expression of thought. But then i wonder, what would give me the right to forgo propiety and venture forth rudeness? And i can get really rude to the to people that annoys me. Those people drives me nuts with their behaviour…so is it my fault that i get irked?

  • Discipline

Saw snippets of the last samurai today. I appreciate excellence and i am definitely not a quitter but lately discipline has been running on such short supply for me.

  • Exams

Not daft enough to bother questioning the need for exams.

Hate em anyway.

And nothing in this world will ever make me study. Not as much as I might, and many others DO…and i do not think NEED... Ironic for someone who loves reading books and has excellent memories of anything she reads.......

###Come to think about it, I dont hate exams. They’re quite enjoyable really– the rush of having them over is exceptionally liberating. And they’re a pretty safe way to get adrenaline pumping.

  • Mail

Why does mail take so long to come around here? I dont really want to know what i got though. I do not doubt it’ll be an A so i’m happier telling myself it wont be coming.

  • Endings

Always had a problem writing them. Shall not bother. Not like there was a begining to start with.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Inane Thoughts

Joy to the world.....
My second childhood, all over again.
I'm ahead of my peers, I am honestly. Most of them won't be having mid life crises for the next 30 years or so.
Moi, on the other hand?
I'm either emerging from it, or this warm, fuzzy feeling creeping over me is a sign of retrograde development.
When you think you know all, see all... do you really? So now that things are crystal again, is it simply me oversimplifying everything in the name of blissful naiveity? Or should the party hats come out.
Exam results were out today and I got what i expected to, without meaning to sound too cocky. Of course, judging from recent trends, this is a 180' turn so I oughta be tearing my clothes off (I can find other reasons to do that though) and running up to the lone flag pole in joy. However If i wanted to, I could pin point the exact point in time when life became screwed up, or at least find some way to correlate all the shit to it whether it be the TRUTH or not.
Con- 'twould be a LIE. or could be, i'm not sure.
Plus side- 'twould be easy for me then to pin point, wrap it up, and hurl it into the pit bottom of a pitaberry pit of all pits.

But yeah, things are turning around in my head. I was a little heap of compund waste for a while- detached, metallic and redundant.
Finally, It's good to look at people and not have to put so much effort into a smile, to not have to think for something to say when listening is a task in itself, and to really just take the seconds as they come instead of worrying and planning about the ten ahead.

but since i'm being happy and admittedly quite cheesy sounding about it too,
ten ways to be happy:-

  1. Decide to be a happy person. (what other way to be happy then to decide to be one)
  2. Watch and Read less news. (The horrors of news >.<)
  3. Practice the Attitude of Gratitude. (I'm always grateful. honest >.<)
  4. Take Time. (Learn from your dog. Eat when you're hungry, nap when you need it. Get your ears scratched whenever possible!!! Ask Daniel for a nice tummy-rub XD)
  5. Laugh everyday. ( But make sure you don't get haul to the Yard)
  6. Love . (and be loved)
  7. Work hard. (and play hard)
  8. Learn something new, everyday.
  9. Use your body as it was designed. (Exercise is good, but so is mixing up a batch of cookies, or exchanging backrubs. You have a body and it can be either a source of joy, or a source of aches and pains.)
  10. Avoid toxins. (Now quit bugging me about my carrots. If only the mall i visit would stock up on babies that were orange instead of crusted in white fibers.)

So I'm the person i was yesterday again? Except with what i've learnt from today... So technically, I'm neither. ..?
Either way, the bottom line is, tomorrow I'm me =)

*that was so inane*