Joy to the world.....
My second childhood, all over again.
I'm ahead of my peers, I am honestly. Most of them won't be having mid life crises for the next 30 years or so.
Moi, on the other hand?
I'm either emerging from it, or this warm, fuzzy feeling creeping over me is a sign of retrograde development.
When you think you know all, see all... do you really? So now that things are crystal again, is it simply me oversimplifying everything in the name of blissful naiveity? Or should the party hats come out.
Exam results were out today and I got what i expected to, without meaning to sound too cocky. Of course, judging from recent trends, this is a 180' turn so I oughta be tearing my clothes off (I can find other reasons to do that though) and running up to the lone flag pole in joy. However If i wanted to, I could pin point the exact point in time when life became screwed up, or at least find some way to correlate all the shit to it whether it be the TRUTH or not.
Con- 'twould be a LIE. or could be, i'm not sure.
Plus side- 'twould be easy for me then to pin point, wrap it up, and hurl it into the pit bottom of a pitaberry pit of all pits.
But yeah, things are turning around in my head. I was a little heap of compund waste for a while- detached, metallic and redundant.
Finally, It's good to look at people and not have to put so much effort into a smile, to not have to think for something to say when listening is a task in itself, and to really just take the seconds as they come instead of worrying and planning about the ten ahead.
but since i'm being happy and admittedly quite cheesy sounding about it too,
ten ways to be happy:-
- Decide to be a happy person. (what other way to be happy then to decide to be one)
- Watch and Read less news. (The horrors of news >.<)
- Practice the Attitude of Gratitude. (I'm always grateful. honest >.<)
- Take Time. (Learn from your dog. Eat when you're hungry, nap when you need it. Get your ears scratched whenever possible!!! Ask Daniel for a nice tummy-rub XD)
- Laugh everyday. ( But make sure you don't get haul to the Yard)
- Love . (and be loved)
- Work hard. (and play hard)
- Learn something new, everyday.
- Use your body as it was designed. (Exercise is good, but so is mixing up a batch of cookies, or exchanging backrubs. You have a body and it can be either a source of joy, or a source of aches and pains.)
- Avoid toxins. (Now quit bugging me about my carrots. If only the mall i visit would stock up on babies that were orange instead of crusted in white fibers.)
So I'm the person i was yesterday again? Except with what i've learnt from today... So technically, I'm neither. ..?
Either way, the bottom line is, tomorrow I'm me =)
*that was so inane*
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